Of course…

Aaaaand Epstein offs himself. After being removed from suicide watch just days ago. After previous self harm before that. Can’t we just get one win? Just one?! Lot of rich pedos breathing a big ol’ sigh of relief right about now. Unless. You know. He’s a billionaire. And all he had to do was punch… Continue reading Of course…

Current Podcast Diet: August 2019

I have a decently long commute, and am able to work with headphones in most of the day, so most of my media consumption is podcasts and music. Here’s what I’ve been putting in my ears lately…

The Lighthouse

This looks incredible. Directed by Robert Eggers of The Witch, which (heh) I really liked.

Pripyat simulator

A good friend of mine turned me on to an ambient/background noise generator website, myNoise.net, which features an incredible Pripyat setting that simulates the sounds of walking through an irradiated forest. It’s haunting and anxiety-inducing, yet strangely perfect for designing or writing code.

Uncatty valley

Some movies can be uplifting or take you on a journey to fantastic realms outside of reality. And others, well… gnaw at the pit of your soul.

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Person of color

“You know, they talk about people of color. I’m a person of color. I’m white. I’m an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don’t get offended.” Rep. Mike Kelly, Pennsylvania Talk about missing the fucking point. How anyone can still support these asshats is so far beyond my comprehension, I don’t… Continue reading Person of color

Hillbilly Moon Explosion

Recently discovered the seedy, gritty Hillbilly Moon Explosion… have a little taste: Love for Evermore. Emanuela Hutter’s voice is like bourbon and honey.

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It only takes about a 5-minute dive back into Twitter to remind me what absolute cancer that place is.

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