Just for you

Did you ever see a good band live play a small venue, and then while they were playing you think to yourself they just might be the best musicians in the whole world, and only the 200 or so people in that auditorium know their secret?

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Blossoms for miles

One of my favorite springtime blooming trees. Flowers for what looks like miles at that angle.

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Hang on!

This bee bud grappled with my window at 45MPH this morning and was still hanging on when I got to daycare. Respect.

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Ads suck

Nothing I love more than watching ads about the gas station where I’m currently pumping gas. That’s like the channel on the hotel TV that’s, like, about the hotel.

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Peep this band

I’ve been really digging this Monowear nylon band on my Apple Watch. Most of the other bands I have are either slightly too loose or too tight, but this one is perfect every time.

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There are times when I step back out of my head for a moment and try to remember what it was like having my entire life stretched out in front of me like an endless stream, but wanting nothing more than to hop on a swing and never stop.

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Birdseye of Knoebel’s

Last hurrah for a trip out to that great amusement park in Elysburg. A quick snap from the top of the Ferris wheel.

Rainbow Drive

Driving back from dropping off my daughter, this rainbow practically exploded into view from the tree line. The photo just doesn’t do it justice.

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