The mirror of our own faults

This quote from Madeline Miller’s book Circe really hit me. Two children he had had and he had not seen either clearly. But perhaps no parent can truly see their child. When we look we see only the mirror of our own faults. — Circe, Madeline Miller

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Of course…

Aaaaand Epstein offs himself. After being removed from suicide watch just days ago. After previous self harm before that. Can’t we just get one win? Just one?! Lot of rich pedos breathing a big ol’ sigh of relief right about now. Unless. You know. He’s a billionaire. And all he had to do was punch… Continue reading Of course…

The Lighthouse

This looks incredible. Directed by Robert Eggers of The Witch, which (heh) I really liked.

Pocket Operator

Here we go, current WANT of the moment … one of these badass little Pocket Operators from the audio wizards at teenage engineering. You can see below what these little sequencers are capable of. I really dig the PO-20 arcade. It’s got those fun 8-bit bleeps and bloops and features a chord progression engine. Check… Continue reading Pocket Operator

Pripyat simulator

A good friend of mine turned me on to an ambient/background noise generator website,, which features an incredible Pripyat setting that simulates the sounds of walking through an irradiated forest. It’s haunting and anxiety-inducing, yet strangely perfect for designing or writing code.

Uncatty valley

Some movies can be uplifting or take you on a journey to fantastic realms outside of reality. And others, well… gnaw at the pit of your soul.

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Spreading the gospel

Found this neat little games shop while on vacation in Ocean City, NJ. I was looking at the D&D miniatures when this lady approached me and asked if I played. We had a great conversation about how to get started playing and how much fun it is when you can just let your guard down… Continue reading Spreading the gospel

A giant mess

Looks like the Coast Guard just landed themselves in the middle of a giant Fight Club.


This is Pete, a stray cat we rescued about 10 months ago. He doesn’t quite let us pet him, and might not ever, but I think he has an appreciation for letting him stay with us. And at least he’s our other cat’s bestie.

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