It came out of nowhere

It was only meant to be a short drive. Pop out to Dunkin’ for a quick coffee before my daughter’s weekly Zoom call with her class. The drive out there is maybe 3 miles and should have taken like, 15 minutes, tops.

Categorized as Personal

The First Grown-up Watch

I’ve recently become slightly obsessed with watches. Ever since I gave up on the Apple Watch Series 2 I had been wearing for a year — it just didn’t launch as fast as I wanted it to — I looked into getting a “real” watch, that is, something that looks a little more “grown up.”

1SR: Blue Moon Iced Coffee Blonde

A one-sentence review of Blue Moon Iced Coffee Blonde. Hits a delicate balance of a deep porter-like finish with the bright, citrusy notes typical of Blue Moon’s regular wheat ale. Very happy I picked one up with my mix-a-six today. Wish I would have gotten two.

Analogue Pocket

Official want of the day, even though it won’t be out until sometime in 2020… the Analogue Pocket.

Categorized as Micro Tagged

Parenting and Panic

Parenting is a hostage situation: you’re in the car, but your child is the one driving it—and he doesn’t know how to drive. You can’t get out, because you decided to love him before you knew who he was—before he even was anyone. Your life split at that point into multiple tracks, and one of… Continue reading Parenting and Panic

Lazy Caturday

Shot with FIMO Morandi 200.

It took a little while to get these two used to each other, but now they’re best friends.