
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. Douglas Adams

Categorized as Personal

How it’s going…

It feels like the last thing that happened was the election, followed by the massive rejection of the election results, followed by Christmas, New Year’s, and an frenzied assault on the Capitol. Oh, and despite all our efforts to be safe when going out, we managed to catch COVID.

Walk It Back

We’ve all seen them, starting around the middle of 2016 and slowly growing, at least around here in the middle of rural Pennsylvania. Those red hats. The large hand-painted Trump signs on the side of the highway. And those jacked-up coal-rolling trucks with like 8 flags bolted to the tailgate. And you think to yourself, how is this a thing?

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Everyone’s been saying the same thing. I’ve never seen a year like this. I’ve never seen the country so divided. This is so weird and stressful and I don’t know what’s going to happen.

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It came out of nowhere

It was only meant to be a short drive. Pop out to Dunkin’ for a quick coffee before my daughter’s weekly Zoom call with her class. The drive out there is maybe 3 miles and should have taken like, 15 minutes, tops.

Categorized as Personal

The First Grown-up Watch

I’ve recently become slightly obsessed with watches. Ever since I gave up on the Apple Watch Series 2 I had been wearing for a year — it just didn’t launch as fast as I wanted it to — I looked into getting a “real” watch, that is, something that looks a little more “grown up.”